
Tigers training - a new quality of education

Stacks of notes, towers of books and a multi-digit amount of money spent on training, and you still feel like you're going in circles and despite gaining knowledge and constantly expanding your competencies, you're having a hard time getting started with your new skills? Read how we at Tigers approach effective teaching.

Stacks of notes, towers of books and a multi-digit amount of money spent on training, and you still feel like you're going in circles, and despite gaining knowledge and constantly expanding your competence, you're having a hard time getting started with your new skills? Or maybe it's even worse - you accumulate online courses, are motivated to work with them, but after a short while you forget about the training you just bought? Maybe you claim to use educational subscription platforms, but you can't really remember when you last logged on to them?

Training platforms and course developers are aware of this, and they have well-mapped customer behavior - hence courses priced at a few dollars, tempting subscription programs with a free trial, and deep price cuts and promotions. Here, it's not so much about teaching as it is about the sheer fact of catching a customer with an attractive subscription or educational product at a super price.

Dorota at the training Effective Communication in Social Media.

We have been observing this trend in education for some time. The voices of experts about how many challenges online learning faces are resonating more and more strongly. Problems with scheduling time for self-development, difficulty in focusing, lack of adaptation of materials to the level of trainees, "knowledge junkies", zero opportunities to test themselves in action, repetition of theory not followed by practice

We observe this trend and say a resounding NO to it.

At Tigers, we operate on values. And we want them to be present in everything we do - in our work with clients, in the culture of the organization and also in the training room.

From the first day in the organization, every Tiger knows that development, operational excellence, accountability and transparency are not empty words written on a Tiger slide in an onboarding presentation. We want to imbue our educational activities with the same values - so that after leaving training, we carry them out into the world along with freshly acquired knowledge and practical skills. 

We want those who trust us and decide to enter the process of expanding their competence with us to be able to experience the true tiger spirit. That's why in 2022 we decided it was time for a change.

"We stop training..."

This decision was made late last year, after the first edition of the communication strategy design workshop. Why? Because we had the opportunity to juxtapose our ideas about good training with the opinions of the participants. We were able to talk to them, observe the emotions on their faces - from focus to fatigue to joy - as they struggled with the next topics, we could not only show them the strategy process, but let them participate in it.

After this workshop, there was no turning back - we saw as if we wanted more.

  • We want to impart practical knowledge to participants.
  • We want to create a space for them to exchange ideas, experiences and build relationships.
  • We want to let them get their hands dirty in action.
  • We want to provide them with the support and care of a trainer who will take care of their educational process with responsibility, in the spirit of partnership.
  • We want people who gain knowledge at Tigers to gain confidence in what they do
  • We want to stop training ... we want to start training.

"... we start training"

And yes, you may think to yourself that this is a rapturous change of one word. But for us, it's a change in mindset, and for the people we work with in educational activities, it's a change in the results they can expect and a lot more support and direction in the process of acquiring knowledge.

A system of education based on training in which the teacher gives a lecture and the group listens and sometimes takes notes on something is a model with almost 200 years of history, originating in Prussia. For geeks, let's add that it began to form after the defeat of Napoleon's army at the Battle of Jena and Auersted - at that time it was described with precision and accuracy what a model education model should look like, and Georg Hegel shifted the emphasis to education based on encyclopedic knowledge.

Over the past 200 years, the world has changed beyond recognition, with new technologies, new opportunities and endless sources of knowledge at our fingertips. Along with these come new challenges, problems of verifying quality and value, and the eternal FOMO, which also resurfaces in topics related to education and development.

That's why we at Tigers are cutting out traditional training in the thick of things in 2023 and entering the year with a mindset focused on training that features:

  • ‍ the form ofworkshops during which we emphasize acquiring real skills and testing solutions in practice,‍
  • contact with the trainer and the training group - we focus on interaction, exchange of knowledge and experience,‍
  • knowledge derived from our experience - at Tigers we operate on the principle of "you need to walk the walk to talk the talk" - so everything you learn in training comes from the trainer's practice, is based on his know how and the frameworks he works on every day at the agency,
  • comprehensive approach to participants - the form of training and contact with the trainer allows interaction, and our team makes sure that when you enter the training you have mastered the basics (we will provide you with the necessary materials straight from the Tiger House), after the training you also have the opportunity for an additional free consultation with the trainer.

What can you expect in 2023?

The change machine has started, and with it the design of the new Tigers educational path to which we want to invite you today! We have prepared four complementary trainings led by our specialists. 

Training in communication strategy design with Ola Bulanda and Yossarian Malewski
Training Effective Content Marketing In Social Media with Dorota Wozniczka.

Training Vertical Video Content Marketing Starter Pack with Blazej Serwotka and Magda Krzepkowska.

Meta Ads PRO Training + Data Analysis with Boris and Kuba Rojek.

Training Tigers is a series of meetings designed to let you learn about our comprehensive perspective on digital marketing communications - from designing a communications strategy, to its implementation, to content and performance activities and data analysis.

You can take all the trainings and go through the digital learning path from A to Z with us, or choose the training that best suits your needs.

Don't know what to decide on? Let us know - we'll give you a hint!
Contact Marta - marta.semplawska@tigers.pl

Boris on Meta Ads PRO training + Data analysis

You can come to the training by yourself, or you can bring your team to it - for groups and participants of several trainings we have prepared attractive discounts 🏷️

You can choose the date and place that suits you best - We train stationary in Warsaw and Krakow, and we communicate training dates now so that you can include them in your plans.

Everyone learns differently, but about one thing there is no doubt - the ability and willingness to acquire knowledge is one of the most valued competencies of the future. Marketing is a field that changes from year to year, while at its core still relying on the same values. At Tigers, we know the theory, and we test the effectiveness of our solutions on a daily basis in our work with clients - the best solutions we want to share with you at training sessions because development and a culture of knowledge are written into the DNA of every Tigers.

And just as years ago Francis Georgiev - the founder of Tigers - started a series of trainings called "Like for Like," Tigers experts today leave our office in Q22 with the idea of sharing knowledge - practical, useful, ready to implement, making sure that every person who attends the trainings will leave as an even better, even more courageous and well-equipped for action marketer.

Train with Tigers

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